Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Saturday: Water Fun and Baby Love

I'm posting pictures of our week for Mr. Kerrie, who is out of town. Here was last Saturday.
We had an Eagle Scout Court of Honor in the morning at Shawnee Mission Park and Joel was a reader.

Time for a new camera. It's eating pictures I take. I got some great pictures of the lake and stuff but they are gone! Instead, here are my other 4 kids chowing down at the reception.

Went to the Jones' for water fun. Worked on my Jamberry empire while snuggling a tiny baby girl. Now Mr. Kerrie is REALLY going to want another one. Same day, no joke, my mom writes me thinking I'm pregnant again because I'm craving tacos like I did with Eva. She names my baby Hattie Pearl or Dela Kethryn.

My good friend Kristin holding the match to the girl I had in my arms. She is pregnant with her 2nd child!!!!!!

Teacher Appreciation Week Ends and Mother's Day Weekend Begins!

Last Friday totally rocked. It was the end of Teacher Appreciation Week (had I known earlier I would have pampered myself more, dangit) and the kickoff to Mother's Day WEEKEND! Yep, we get an entire weekend now. Joel had a camp physical then we got some tacos and donuts and 1/2 price frappucinos to celebrate the fun aforementioned holidays.Of course I did not take the camera on our outings. Drat.

When we got home we got some outside time in. Ha! Callie on the swing.

And you can't pass up a chance to make some money. Our neighbor is never home so I convinced the kids to move up the road a bit, away from the busy corner, also making it easier for people to stop. One guy gave t hem $10. I am out there the whole time supervising, by the way. Wait, this photo is from Thursday b/c there is Liam. But you get the point.

To Mr. Kerrie in Canada: Here's What We've Been Up To

Dear Mr. Kerrie in Newfoundland traveling for work:

The weekend was hot. This morning ins 49 degrees, more like where you are, I bet. Here is a recap of our last week without you. A little recap in photos. See you tomorrow instead of today. We love you!

Okay, never mind. I realized I have too many pictures so I'll be breaking them down by day.

Here was last Thursday:

Joel puts together my Jamberry sample cards (http://kerrie.jamberrynails.net)

Sam makes a "tent" with scissors and string. Don't ask.

Callie and her BFF Ciara play cards

I added jams to my other 4 fingers that don't have kids on them!

Eva swings

The kids have a lemonade stand. There's Liam, Joel and Michael's friend ... you can see his head.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Things That Make Me Happy: Lily of the Valley and a Blank October

Lily of the Valley that grows outside my front door that my husband planted for me (my favorite flower and it grew outside both houses where I grew up) and crossing out the month of October for homeschooling!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Best Mother's Day Present Ever ... My Kids on Nail Wraps!

Mr. Kerrie had to leave for Canada today to travel for a week. He'll miss Mother's Day, which should make me all mad, right? Nah, as long as Mother's Day is spent with my kids in a low-key fashion that's really all I ever need. I did do a little rant about how he is filling in for some other guy and does that other guy realize how many plans had to be changed around for Mr. Kerrie to take his place and for us to stay sane around here?

Rant over. Moving on. Focus on what I CAN control. Whew.

I didn't think he had a second to think about Mother's Day at all. So last night he got all the kids on the couch like this and I was a little surprised ...

And he presented me with these, which I am going to put on my nails today and then show you how they look! Some are my kids' faces and some are designs Callie drew!

I want some with our wedding picture for our anniversary! I am a Jamberry consultant and did not even realize that you could make a different design on each nail (see how the curved part goes to your cuticle then you trim off the flat part?). This opens up a world of possibilities! I could get nails with my wedding picture and also more nail designs by my girls. Callie is going to be so proud of herself seeing me wear what she created!

This is the kind of gift that makes me speechless!

Thank you, Mr. Kerrie. I love you both!

And I love my kids all crazy-like ... only a Good Crazy Mama would wear her kids on her nails!