Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eva and Sam Have Two Mommies

Posted this to Facebook and wanted to share with my bloggy lovers:

Today Eva and Sam both requested my presence in keeping them company on the pot. Being one person, I could not be in two places and said so. Eva suggested I split into TWO MOMMIES. I said that would benefit everyone, and DADDY would love it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A**-Flavored Medicine (PG-13)

I warned my husband that I would put this on the blog.

We went to his work one night recently when he was working late and took him some dinner. He'd been sick for a couple of weeks (and going to work anyway ... a good worker or a spreader of germs? you decide.)

On his desk I saw this medicine, and he gave it a special flavor name*. I think he needs to work for medicine companies to help name things. He IS married to the apothe-kerrie, after all.

He says they make the stuff taste bad so little kids don't chug it. That doesn't make sense, though, since they make the kid stuff try to taste so good.

My ideas for adult flavored medicines are:

Beer flavor
Bacon flavor
Chocolate flavor
BBQ flavor
Coffee flavor

Hey, they can't be any worse than what's already out there.

*My husband does not know what a** tastes like, just to be very clear.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Love Letter to My Husband (PG-13)

Being on the road a lot for work, my husband Aron eats out at restaurants many nights. He has always observed that there are couples who sit through dinner and barely speak a word to each other. To us, that is sad.

I know, we should not judge. Who knows what they are going through? I mean, once when Michael was having his OCD symptoms, we went out for our anniversary anyway. I was upset to have left him, we disagreed on a few other things, and we sat through dinner in silence, obviously mad at each other. Maybe some young couple observed us and said to each other, "That will never be us!"

I hate that my husband eats dinner alone so many nights and has for about 17 years. Yes, we have many months and even one entire year when he won't travel. But most years he is going someplace, and we miss each other incredibly.
January 5, carriage ride on the Plaza in Kansas City with 6 kidlets in tow. Romance is all around!
The other night we had a rare night. I was a "good mommy" and pulled out the sofa bed for the kids to lounge on and watch TV. I was upstairs nursing Sam to sleep and Aron and I got to talk on the phone (he's in Wyoming again) for over an hour, uninterrupted. So much of the time at home our talk is "business" (here's what this costs, here's where we're going tomorrow, here's what the kids are doing in schoolwork, etc.).

Aron, I loved talking to you the other night and making plans for our future. When I met you in 1995, I never dreamed we would be at this place in our lives, still together, still falling more in love every day, and doing it with 5 wonderful little people in tow. I think you are amazing. I think you look hot in chef pants, in a suit, in jeans and a hardhat, in coveralls.

I think you are the most attractive to me when you are canning chicken and noodles, playing with the kids, and going off to work so you can support us and so I can stay home to homeschool, be close to our children, clean your house immaculately (ha!) and soak in the tub eating Kit Kats all day.

Thank you for being my complement, for keeping me grounded, for loving me so completely.

Like the fabulous Justin Bieber so eloquently sings, "As long as you love me, We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke." As long as you love me, all is well.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Reasons to Get a Dog for Your Kids

This is my oldest, Joel, hanging out on the floor while our Snoopy lounges on him. Sure, he still poops on the floor sometimes, but for the most part he is doing his business outside these days now that he's a little older.

I'm talking about Snoopy, not Joel.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 2013 Weight Watchers Update

I took this picture of myself a few weeks ago when we were out of town visiting family for Christmas. I had just gotten some cool new dresses at a vintage/consignment store and was really excited. I've lost nearly 20 pounds and am finding that my style is more funky and less baggy jeans/high-neck T-shirts. I love to wear this dress (I call it my Pucci print) with crazy-colored hose and black fuzzy winter boots just for fun.

Sam in this picture shows that I am still always with my kidlets and love it that way.

What was your first clothing purchase after losing weight? Or what will it be?

*Check the comments for the 2018 update!