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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query eva. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2012

Taking Kids to the Cemetery, Talking About Death and Spirits

Today marks 30 years that my Great Aunt Eva June Michael Wilkerson has been dead. In her honor we are going fishing because she loved to fish with her husband. She didn't have any kids but was the best mom ever, if you know what I mean. My daughter Eva is named after her. My son Michael is named after the whole family ... there were 7 kids in my grandma's family.

Yesterday we had to go to the Scout shop, which is up the street from where my mom works. She works at a florist. I decided to visit her and get some flowers and take a trip across town to Aunt Eva's grave. It was a last-minute adventure. Here are some pictures!

I have some funny videos to upload to YouTube soon ... of the kids yelling at each other to get off the headstones and me saying, "They are dead. They don't care. Just stay on our family's headstones because they know our kind of crazy."

Eva's grave. She was married to Max, who was her second husband. Like me, she was married to a real jerk the first time around and found her true love the second time.

All my kids hanging out with Eva and Max, who loved kids! So many things I could say about Eva, but the things I remember the most are that she was a great cook, worked as a lunch lady, worked at Russell Stover so she knew what every chocolate was by looking at the top, ate Tic Tacs and always let me sit at her vanity and put on her red lipstick and powder my face. And she loved flowers. And ornery kids. And cussing.

This picture makes me think I should have named Sam "Max" instead ... Sam and Eva are so close. But I didn't want the same initials on two kids since I write about them all the time in shorthand. Goofy me! Yes, Eva is wearing boy clothes today.

This is the headstone for my mom's cousin, who died in a car crash when she was 14. My kids and I talked about it and how the headstone says, "She is not dead, she is just away."

Me and the naughties. We had a lot of fun at the cemetery, if you can believe it. We were surrounded by lots of family ... I took lots of headstone pictures. My grandma is the last of her brothers and sisters for many  years now.

Little Eva hanging out with Aunt Eva. Are you shocked that she is standing on the headstone? Guess what? When you walk anywhere in a cemetery you are walking over dead bodies. Last week one night while we were praying in our bedroom, our bathroom light randomly went out. The light bulb was fine. We think it was Aunt Eva messing with the lights. We choose to not be freaked out by stuff like that and are happy to know our dead family members may be watching over us ... including my dad's grandma (Nanny) and Papa Guy and Max and Aron's grandparents and more. It's comforting to us.

This is Joel POUNDING AUNT EVA. Okay, so she used to get little kids in a hug and pat their back and say, "I'm gonna pound you!" So we all pound our kids now and Aunt Eva needed to be pounded.
I later told Michael thank you for coming along with me on our little journey and he says, "I didn't really have a choice." Yep, that's the Michael family humor in him = ornery! One last weird note: my grandma has these dolls called Pickaninnies ... it's like a racially bad word, I know. These are the cutest little black dolls ever and they are the only thing I have spoken up about wanting to have when Grandma dies because they were Aunt Eva's. Here's the thing:

There are 3 BOY dolls and 2 GIRL dolls, just like my family!*

*Yeah, I know I could still get knocked up and all that, then I'll just have to hit eBay to buy more of them to make the set like my own family. That's me ... always thinkin'. Now I know my mom is crying over this post and my dad is passed out on the floor with me mentioning having another kid. Gotta go. My work here is done.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Candy Does Make You Grow! + Eva's First Playdate

Eva: "Candy doesn't make me grow."

 I think her dad told her this.

But he is wrong.

Candy DOES make you grow. Sideways.

Yesterday Eva had her first playdate without me. I left her at my friend Andrea's house to play with HER daughter, also named Eva. We call them The Evas. We have another friend with an Eva, and it gets funny. So we took one of Andrea's kids home and Eva wanted to stay there.

A couple of hours later Andrea calls me and I hear Eva crying. She won't get in their van to come home to me. Does she think they are going to steal her and drive to California with her or something? So I threw everyone in the van and went over to get here, where I stayed and hung out for an hour and they kept on doing what they do best = playing. It was her first playdate without me! It felt strange at home without her.

Yesterday we also had Bible Study, a park date and Pokemon Club. Whew. Now I need a nap and I'm posting this at 8:30 a.m.

Catch you later!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to Eva, Who is Fo

Eva is fo today. That means my kids are 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. We like to keep things in the even digits around here. I don't have a photo for you right now because my flash drive is ????? and my cord to get pictures off my camera onto a computer is ????? but don't fear for my sanity, folks. I have a great day planned.

Stephen will love that I'm braving McDonald's today. Before you judge, let me just say they have Hello Kitty toys and Eva loves Hello Kitty. I don't think we've been inside McD's for months. We will be sure to wear socks and surgical gloves. Would someone please send me a petri dish/swabbing kit to take the next time I go?

Then we get to see my dad and stepmom, who are bringing over a gift for Miss Happy Little Naughty Eva. Then we load into the car like the hellions we are and go to a friend's house to play. Maybe I can do some 2007 scrapbooking if the kids play nice. We'll see.

Then we get a brief "downtime" ... then WHOOSH ... off to religious ed class and gymnastics. Religious ed is work for my oldest 3 and Aron, but the 2 littlest and I hang out in the nursery to play. Then on to gymnastics for more playing while we wait for the boys to be done gymnasticking.

I'll get some photos up soon ... a friend's homeschooled kid made some awesome cakes/cupcakes for Eva's Saturday at-home party. Plus I took a pic of Eva sleeping this morning that is precious.

Gotta go ... Eva is running around in her usual swimsuit as there is snow on the ground here. Usually we just throw a fancy dress on over her swimsuit and head out!

Sorry to beat you over the head with my articles, but I have to pimp this piece yet again, only because I think it's cool that it's in NOLA Baby & Child (New Orleans!).

Saturday, July 17, 2021

#WorldsofFun — the Perfect Family/Fun Day! Find Your Amazing!

So I initially titled this post "Perfect Summer Day" ... but we've been to WinterFest and it was a Perfect Winter Evening. How about The Haunt? That would be a Perfect Autumn Evening! Carnivale? The Perfect Summer Night! We are so fortunate to have Worlds of Fun here in Kansas City, and it's no wonder people come from all over the country in all seasons and in all types of weather to enjoy it!

All photographs you see in this post that are of my family on a ride were taken while others were still loading onto the rides. We did NOT take any photos while a ride was being operated. You are not allowed to do this, and we did not do it!

*I need to start by sharing how great the Worlds of Fun/Oceans of Fun park app is. It stored all of our tickets and passes, including meal and drink passes. It showed wait times of rides and had a map of the park. It also made it quick and easy to get into the park.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Home Depot FREE Monthly Kid Workshops

Aron and I used to attend these Home Depot free monthly kid workshops with our kids when they were little and had a blast! I am lately trying to challenge myself to do more things with Eva and Samuel that I used to do with the Bigs (Joel, Michael and Callie) when they were little. I have to remind myself that Eva and Sam are only 7 and 9 and still need fun things to do. Just because I have been there/done that doesn't mean they have. Yes, I'm 10 years older now and getting more tired, but when I see the smiles on their faces, I know that everything I do for them and with them is worth it!

This is an activity that was on our 2017 Summer Bucket List :-)

2007 when I was pregnant with Eva (10 years ago!). That's my dad trying to hammer my head.
Last year we just happened to be in Hays, Kansas when it was the first Saturday of the month in July and we went to Home Depot to make a Minion motorcycle. This month was a tic-tac-toe game and I can see something like that being kept for a long time.

Next month is a bug house and I fully plan to take any kids who want to go. Joel already has plans, but he probably doesn't need a bug house anyway :-)

Here are some pictures from our summer bucket list 2017 escapade. They not only get a project to build but also an apron they should bring back each month and then a new pin each month for the project they create!

Eva is on the end in purple. Eva, you were in my belly in the picture at the top of this post and little Sam, you were not even around yet! Look how Callie and Michael have grown! And Joel is gone for practically a month working at a camp and is almost 16!!!!

Sam says Michael is the best helper ever and he always wants Michael to come along

I was Eva's designated helper. Two ladies with a touch of ADD makes for some funny instruction-reading and building!

My precious children, 80% of them anyway

July 1, 2017 you can build a bug house!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Recap of Dates with Joel, Callie and Eva

Okay, so we are down 3 dates with 2 more to go. I am doing a crap job of taking pictures because we are too busy having fun. I didn't take the camera on the date with Eva at all and took a photo of her at home later. Oops. So here are some photos and recaps before the next two happen! Keep in mind the kids choose what we do. (sorry about the sideways photos!)

JOEL, age 12
We went to BD's Mongolian BBQ for dinner, then Barnes and Noble to peruse and shop and mess around. Then ice cream cones at the mall and then Michael's craft store for some fun things.

My mother is going to give me crap about the way I look here. I wasn't feel well that day and went on the date anyway ... and this was taken at a funny angle (excuses!)

I was feeling rich this evening and we got presents for everyone, which we'll discuss in a future post

CALLIE, age 9
I wrote about this date here and here with some pictures. Here they are again in case you don't want to go look at those pages. Cheesecake Factory for dinner and dessert then roller skating. Very simple yet so memorable!

She wanted to smash her face into her cheesecake for some reason and really, who am I to stop her? I mean, what's the big deal?

EVA, age 6
Subway for sandwiches, then to Trader Joe's to stock up on chocolate-covered everything. Then to AMC Ward Parkway with the red leather, reclining seats to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman, armed with soda pop and sandwiches and treats. Then to Target to get a My Little Pony toy. Fro yo place was closed so we went to Houlihan's by Oak Park Mall, where Eva got chocolate mousse but mostly ate only whipped cream. Our server was a homeschool mom of 4 and a lovely free spirit like myself, so she got Eva more whipped cream.

So sad for each date to be over. I could do it all the time with the kids ... rotating through each kid then Mr. Kerrie and then taking a night off and doing again the next week!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Happy Birthday #8 to My Daughter Eva!!!

The night before her birthday party I slept with Eva in her room on the floor at her request. Sam also wanted us to sleep with his Pig named Pig the Pancake

We had a chocolate cake and also a cherry bomb fridge cake

Her party was lovely with lots of friends

Eva's friend Little Eva got to spend the night!

Mommy loves you, Eva!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Leavenworth Virtual School December Field Trip to Crown Center

I got the little kids up early for this awesome field trip! We hit McD's for some breakfast on the road and headed down to Crown Center in Kansas City. Here are the highlights!
At The Coterie Crown Center to see Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Lunch at Crayola Cafe

Eva and I love the white Christmas trees and had to get a shot with them

My 5 babies posing at Crown Center.

The play area always rocks

Joel is turning into Mr. Ice Skater ... at Ice Terrace

Eva and Samuel. He's wearing his Breathe Right strip he digs and Eva did not skate today.

Callie is Miss Ice Skater

Michael helping Sam along

Eva with me and Michael

Mommy skating swiftly by Samuel. Just kidding; I'm just posing; I only went around the rink like ONCE.
We got to meet Miss Aly and even the principal, Mr. Brinkman. We also met a few kids and parents and look forward to going on the next field trip. I wish we could make the Fun Fridays but they are an hour away and start in the morning ... if I want to do any homeschooling with my bigs I have to keep the littles asleep in the mornings. Maybe we can hit some of those in the spring after we are more on track and in the swing of things. The kids really like the virtual school Calvert deal ... and especially doing it through the Leavenworth school district. Who knows ... maybe we will even be moving closer to that area next year ...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Squiggly Wormie: A Post By Eva

Here is a convahsation between my mommy and me wecently.

Eva: Look, another wormie!
Mommy: Oh, he's sweet. You can keep him.
Eva: No,  he's not Squiggly Wormie. I let him back in the wild. I miss Squiggly Wormie.
[keep in mind my Rs sounds like Ws]
Eva: I found a nice comfy bed for new Squiggly Wormie. He's gonna need a pillow.

Later ... "He needs to go flying" as I toss him in the air.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Penguin Park, Praying at Home (Priest Practice?) and Pronto Pasta #KansasCity

Last Sunday Aron was out of town :-( and I took my kids plus Julia and Little Eva to Penguin Park in North Kansas City. This is a place we had not been in many years and I regret not going every year. We have gotten too busy these last few years and a half hour trip just seemed like so much, or the weather was never just right, or the kids wanted to take friends who go to school.

My mom and stepdad took the kids once and I think that was when we only had three kids! Otherwise I remember going a couple of times and chasing chasing chasing kids around and worrying about where they had gone in the park. Last Sunday the place seemed very small to all of us and only the two youngest of my kids really still enjoy a good playground, which is kind of sad.

It was a little hot last Sunday, but I knew it was time to go. We packed some snacks and drinks and headed up north. I don't want this to be the last time we go! We discovered a lake behind the park (thanks to Google Maps) and we love nature hikes and situations so off we went after realizing there were too many bees at the actual park!

the mascot

teens hanging out

the little ones having fun

my big 15-yo baby

the entire crew heading down the trail to find the lake

so much cooler in the woods!

me with my 8 yo daughter Eva

me, my Eva and her friend Eva

yes, i know you don't feed ducks but we did it anyway

the other side of the lake... they found a hook and some fishing line and Joel helped Sam fish

I am a horrible judge of time these days and we were going to be late for Mass at Holy Trinity. We would have gone anyway BUT THERE IS NO PARKING! So we went home and Joel led us in a rosary. Sam was very devout.

Joel getting priest practice?

super lazy dinner. i had an Ibotta rebate (see my post on this) for Pronto pasta so here you go ... I made mac and cheese out of it
I am absolutely in love with days like this when we get to just explore and not have to worry (too much) about time or where we have to be next. We had more lazy days when the kids were younger and those are disappearing so I treasure these days even more now.